Dani Cole North Woods? What could be more fun? We met up north in Wisconsin for a photo shoot. This is actually the 2nd gallery we produced. Kind of a bonus shoot after the main images were complete.

All around us there was rain and gloom but we seemed to be in a pocket of still clear weather. While hiking to the water falls we came upon strange rock formations.

Who made them?

How old were they?

Why is that stick floating?

And as the darkness fell there started to be a strange light coming from the woods. And things because clouded and misty…

I hope you enjoyed the images as much as we enjoyed creating them!

My models for this shoot were Dani California and King Cole. I have worked with Dani in the past and she is always a joy! This is my first shoot with Cole. Dani is a veteran published model and Cole has just had his first published shoot in Meraki Authentic magazine. Dani and Cole are engaged to be married next year and between them have 4 kids and all kinds of “fur babies”. Modeling is a family affair with two of their kids published models in Meraki Authentic Juniors.

Booking information on Dani’s Facebook, Cole’s Facebook and Instagram @danicalifornia.

Here is the full gallery!

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