A beautiful model, a warm November evening and a medium format camera loaded with Portra film – who could ask for a better time?

Dreamera Marie and I met for my shoot-a-month project on a beautiful November evening. This is the 12th shoot in the series and I think I am going to continue into 2021. My December shoot has already been finished so why not?

For November we did a film shoot – mostly medium format but a little 35mm. Capturing a model on medium format film can be a challenge! Film was all I had when I started photography but I was strickly a “point and shoot” kind of guy. I have shot only digital for many years but have gravitated back to film the past 3 years. Why? Partly it is the loo – film is different. Partly it is the more relaxed nature of the process – film is slower photography, you take your time. Partly it is the fun of learning!

So for this night we shot Kodak Portra 400 color film. I try and overexpose Portra by at least 1 stop because I like the skin tones more. The camera was my Bronica ETRSi with 75mm and 150mm Zenza-Bronica lenses.

Dreamera Marie posed for the shoot in a new outfit and we tried to juxtapose the “glamor” or a beautiful young model on the earth tones of early Winterin Wisconsin. Dreamera is a wonderful Fox Valley model and we have had a lot of fun shoots in the past. You can see more of her photos on Instagram @dreamera.marie

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