Sara at SunsetAnother sunset picture.  The light was so beautiful and made everything so special.

When you look around the world it is so easy to worry about the future – the news is all bad news!  But, if you step away you see that there is so much beauty in the world.  Yes, the news is bad, but it has always been bad!  Always some crisis or flood or war or law and order issue.  We live in this world and and we care so we want thing to be better.  That is a good thing and we should never stop caring. But we should also not let all the bad blind us to all the love and beauty.  In the end the beauty will win out; the bad will fade and all that will be left is the joy and the love.  If we endure to that time we will be there too!

This photo was a challenge!  Have to balance the relatively bright sky with the dark areas.  Too far away for fill flash to be effective so I set everything in manual and did a 3-stop bracket.  As luck would have it this was the middle shot – so I got it right!   Minimal processing with Topaz Clarity to bring out some of the sky details.

Canon 5d Mk III | 24-105 f/4 L  |  1/80s at f/5.0

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